Preparing For A New Foster Child

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Some people have children but for some reason or another aren't able to take care of them for a period of time. This could be due to not having a safe home, being in jail or rehab, or a number of other different reasons. During this time, the children are put into foster care. Kids in foster care will go to a more stable home for a period of time. If you are kind enough to open your home to one of these children, they can bring love and laughter into your home while you help a child in need. You'll need to prepare yourself properly for this new member of your home. Here are some tips on what you need to do before your foster child arrives. 

1. Stock Up on Essentials 

You have someone new living in the house soon. You want to make sure you have everything that they might need on a day-to-day basis. Stock up on toilet paper, toothpaste, mouthwash, tissues, towels, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and anything else you can think of. You should also stock up on some snacks and lunch food to send with them to school. 

2. Prepare Their Bedroom 

Set up a fresh bed for your new guest. Get sheets and blankets you think they might like, and make the room clean and comfortable. You can decorate the room for them a little bit, but you should let them express themselves by putting up their own belongings and pictures. You can take them shopping for some bedroom decorations as something to do together.  

3.  Get Games, Toys, and Kid Movies

You don't want your foster child to be bored to death as soon as they get to your house. Give them stuff to do. Buy toys, games, and movies that are appropriate for someone their age. You may even enjoy some of the items yourself! 

4.  Learn About Resources Available to You

Being a foster parents can be a challenge at times. For these reasons, there are a number of resources available to you and the child. Look into getting your child into therapy to have someone to talk to about their broken home if they need it. It should be covered. There are also resources for you if you start to feel stressed. 

Opening your heart and your home to a foster child is a rewarding and special experience. Put yourself in a good position from day one by doing these things before your new foster child arrives. 

To better prepare, talk to a company like Kids Count Too that offers foster care training.
